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Shopping & Returns

You can return your items within 15 days of receiving your order. We only ask for the items you are returning to be in original condition and unworn, unwashed or not defective. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any returns that do not meet these requirements.

Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Returns made within 15 days of the receiving date will be issued a full refund to the original payment method excluding the original shipping cost.

To return an item, please submit a return request via our e-mail address. Please include your order number and the reason for your return. We will review your request and issue you a return authorization upon approval and provide you with the mailing address for your return via e-mail. All items must arrive unused and in the original packaging. hipicon is not responsible for the lost or damaged items through a return.

We try and process returns as quickly as possible. Once we have received the item it will go trough return authorization. Once the return is accepted it will be ready for the refund. We will refund your money to the payment method for the purchase. You will receive an e-mail notification once the refund is issued. It may take up to 3-5 business days for the refund to appear on your online statement depending on your bank.

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